Setting Up Failover

Published by eKeypad on

[Updated January 2020]

Starting in version 2.10.4 of eKeypad all configurable systems can include an optional failover address and port. Starting in version 3.4.16 of eKeypad the Failover Address and Failover Port fields have been renamed to External Address and External Port.

This feature requires some specific steps to verify and setup correctly. It is advised that you get help from eKeypad support if you have any questions. If you do not have a working knowledge of computer networking it is also advised that you seek the help of a local expert.

Some installations will require the use of the failover features to operate correctly. Some installs may not require the use of failover, but it is always recommended.

Failover Setup

Following are the important fields related to the setup of a failover configuration.

Network AddressThis field should be set to the internal, static IP address assigned to the relevant equipment.
Port NumberThis field should be set to the appropriate port number needed for the equipment.
Use FailoverThis switch must be turned on to enable failover logic for the current equipment driver.
Custom SubnetsThis setting is necessary for some multi-subnet network configurations.
Typically this setting is only changed with the help of eKeypad support.
External AddressThis field should be set to the external address or hostname of the router.
This should always be either a static IP or a Dynamic DNS hostname. This field was labeled, “Failover Address”, in older versions.
External PortThis field should be set to the same value used in the Port Number field above.
This field was labeled, “Failover Port”, in older versions.

NOTE: It is important to properly test all failover configurations. The automatic validation test performed when you save driver details can only test the current network configuration. All others must be verified manually. This testing must include tests with the iOS device connected to the local Wifi and cellular data.

Technical Details

In more complex installations it may be useful to know how eKeypad implements the failover functionality. eKeypad uses an “Attempt to Detect” method for failover detection.

Any time eKeypad is launched or detects a network connection change it will analyze the IP Address and Subnet details assigned to the iOS device. This information is compared to the “Network Address” and “Custom Subnets” fields to determine if the device is on the “local” network with the equipment.

The “Custom Subnets” setting is an advanced option that enhances the current network detection by adding additional, manually defined networks that should also be considered “local” to the equipment.

If the analysis of the network settings indicates the device is “local” then eKeypad will use the “Network Address” and “Port Number” fields for connections. If the analysis Indicates the device is not “local” then eKeypad will use the “External Address” and “External Port” fields for connections.

Common Failover Issues

  • False Positives – If the iOS device connects to a remote Wifi network using the same IP network setup in use where the equipment is located, the failover logic will not work properly. eKeypad support can explain several ways to address this issue. The failover logic in eKeypad always works properly over cellular data.

  • Network Switching Time – When an iOS device switches from one network to another, several things must happen in sequence. During the switch no network or connections will be available. The longest delays occur when a device switches from Wifi ->Cellular or Cellular ->Wifi. Our support can help with strategies to minimize this effect in areas where eKeypad is active used.

If you have any issues or additional questions please Contact Support.